16.5 - Cases with prepositions (2)

As mentioned on page 16.4, some prepositions are used with more than one case. These are shown in the chart below, with their different meanings, and some examples. For an explanation of the use of the pronouns highlighted in blue see the note below the chart.

  genitive accusative instrumental locative
в/у among, belonging to: у Марини є сестра in, into   in
на   on, onto, to (an event), for   on, at (an event)
за in the time of: за царя Опенька, коли Земля була маленька in the course of, for, in exchange for: зуб за зуб, око за око behind, after, at, according to, beyond, in the words of: за Ґрінвічем  
по   up to, as far as: П'яному – море по коліна   along: Він ішов по вулиці
з/зі/із from, of: Ми їхали з Києва до Львова   with: хліб з маслом  
між   between, among between, among  
над   above, over above, over  
перед   before, in front of before, in front of  
під   under, below, near under, below, near  
поза   beyond beyond  
поміж   among among  
понад   above, over above, over  
попід   under under  

Some of the prepositions in the above chart have pairs of meanings (highlighted in blue), in which use of the preposition with the accusative normally denotes movement to or in the direction of, whereas with the instrumental or locative it denotes static presence in or at. The following are some examples:

Movement to Presence in/at
Марко пішов на концерт (accusative) Марко був на концерті (locative)
Marko went to the concert Marko was at the concert
Собака заліз під стіл (accusative) Собака сидів під столом (instrumental)
The dog crawled under the table The dog was sitting under the table
Пам'ятник перенесено поза місто (accusative) Пам'ятник розташований поза містом (instrumental)
The monument has been relocated outside the town The monument stands outside the town

Compound prepositions

A number of the prepositions mentioned on this page and on page 16.4 can be combined (usually with з-) to give compounds. If you are familiar with the meanings of the simple prepositions, the compounds are not difficult to work out as, for example:

з-під from under
із-за (з-за) from behind
з-поза from outside, from beyond

N.B. These materials do not give an exhaustive presentation of the system of prepositions. If you are unsure as to their use or meaning, it is best to check in the online monoligual dictionary, which gives ample explanations and examples of use.

To practise understanding prepositions in context read the text below and do Exercise 16.5A and Exercise 16.5B.

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© 2007 Marta Jenkala