3.6 - Simple translation
Now that you have covered the first three units, you will have practised:
- recognising the letters of the Ukrainian alphabet
- associating the letters with their sounds
- remembering the alphabetical order of letters
- using a dictionary or word list
- understanding how individual letters combine into syllables and words and how these sound
- associating some Ukrainian words with related English words
- recognising and understanding some words when these are used in simple sentences
- understanding the general gist of a simple sentence
- transliterating Ukrainian personal and place names into English.
So far, very little has been said about grammar at the word and sentence level, as this will be introduced in Unit 4. However, if you have covered the material in Units 1 to 3 thoroughly, you will have made a good start to reading Ukrainian.
Look at the following passage and see how much you can understand (use the mini-dictionary if necessary):
Ужгород – центр Закарпатської області. Місто розташоване на берегах річки Уж. |
На пагорбах – виноградники. На вулицях – екзотичні рослини, наприклад, магнолія та кипарис. У місті є історичні пам'ятки, наприклад, замок заснований у ІХ-ХІІІ століттях. В центрі також є музей архітектури, історична церква та синагога. Тут також є університет, інститут економіки, музичний коледж, театр, філармонія та кінокомплекс. Ужгород – цікаве місто! |
(Based on information from www.dayka.uzhgorod.ua) |
Now check whether you've understood the above passage by doing Exercise 3.6A.