15.5 - More about neuter nouns
First declension neuter nouns were covered in Unit 6. To revise the forms of these nouns go to page 6.6.
On this page you will see neuter nouns which don't belong to the first
declension. These end in a consonant plus -а or -я,
and have a stem which grows to -ат or -ят in
most of the cases. Learn the example for each type and the most important nouns
which are declined like it, given below.
ім'я – name
N. G. D. A. I. L. V. |
singular ім'я імені/ім'я імені ім'я іменем/ім'ям імені ім'я! |
plural імена імен іменам імена іменами іменах імена! |
You can see that in the singular there are alternative forms for some of the cases (the singular as a whole has similarities with first declension neuter nouns of the здоров'я type). Other important nouns like this are: плем'я, тім'я, сім'я (meaning seed or sperm, not family, which is feminine 1st declension) |
теля – calf
N. G. D. A. I. L. V. |
singular теля теляти теляті теля телям теляті теля! |
plural телята телят телятам телят/телята телятами телятах телята! |
This group contains nouns which, though animate, are neuter in gender, so must be qualified by neuter adjectives etc. Nouns of this type denote the young of the species, including: дитя, дівча, хлоп'я, хлопча, маля, курча, лоша, порося and чортя(!). Use of nouns like these can also be affective, usually suggesting a fond or indulgent attitude. |
око – eye
N. G. D. A. I. L. V. |
singular око ока окові/оку око оком оці око! |
plural очі очей очам очі очима очах очі! |
This is the only noun of this type in current Ukrainian. The archaic plural form вічі is still sometimes used in poetry, as is the adverbial phrase віч-на-віч (face to face; literally, eye to eye). |
N.B. The stems of some neuter nouns vary in some of the cases, usually remnants of their historical development: gen. pl. of серце – сердець; gen. pl. of плечі - плечей.