9.7 - Adverbs

Although this unit focuses primarily on adjectives (words which describe nouns), it is logical to touch briefly on adverbs (words which describe verbs). There are three types of adverb.

Adverbs of time

These describe when an action happens, for example:

Завтра студенти будуть складати екзамен.
Tomorrow the students will be taking an exam.

Some other useful adverbs of time are:

вчора – yesterday сьогодні – today щодня – every day
вдень – in the daytime уночі – at night вранці – in the morning
зараз – right now часто – often інколи – sometimes

Adverbs of place

These describe where an action happens, for example:

Де відбудеться лекція? Тут.
Where will the lecture take place? Here.

Some other useful adverbs of place are:

там – there туди – (to) there скрізь – everywhere
вгорі – above внизу – below вдома – at home

Adverbs of manner

These describe how an action happens. In Ukrainian, as in English and many other languages, these adverbs are usually formed from adjectives, for example:

Цей поїзд повільний. Він їде повільно.
This is a slow train. It travels slowly.

Most adverbs of manner end in -о, for example:

сильний – strong сильно – strongly
здоровий – healthy здорово – healthily
завзятий – enthusiastic завзято – enthusiastically
дешевий – cheap дешево – cheaply

Some adverbs of manner have endings in -е. This is usually because they are mixed, with stems in -ж-, -ч-, -ш- or -щ-, for example:

рішучий – determined рішуче – in a determined manner
ворожий – hostile вороже – in a hostile manner

This also applies to comparatives and superlatives of adverbs, which usually end in -ше, -ще, etc, for example:

кращий – better краще – better (how something is done)
міцніший – stronger міцніше – more strongly
вужчий – narrower вужче – more narrowly

and also to the adverbs добре well, дужеvery.

To practise using adverbs, go to Exercise 9.7A.

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© 2007 Marta Jenkala