About this site

The production of this course was funded by the SOAS-UCL Centre of Excellence in Teaching and Learning of Languages of the Wider World (LWW-CETL).

The course was authored by Marta Jenkala, Senior Teaching Fellow in Ukrainian at the UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES). Volodymyr Oleyko reviewed the Ukrainian language content. Roman Krawec provided IT support.

The author would like to thank Maciek Bernatt-Reszczynski and Olha Betko of the BBC Ukrainian Service for their assistance in the recording of the audio material in Units 1 to 3, and Aniela Grundy for her support in the initial stages of the project.

MJ email

Part of the collection of resources at UkrainianLanguage.uk
© 2007 Marta Jenkala