About Ukraine: Notes

This topic introduces simple sentences (A1 level) about Ukraine, in a slide show with illustrations. Once you have learned how to read words in Ukrainian, you should be able to understand the texts, with the help of the vocabulary list. The slide show is given in two versions. You can use the version with the texts for independent study, while the one with illustrations only may be used in class, with a teacher, to practise listening and speaking. As in the previous section, you need to know the alphabet and sounds of Ukrainian, which can be accessed at Read Ukrainian! - Unit 1.

Using the slide show as an introduction to the singular and plural of nouns

In previous sections you have learned how to read and recognise the meanings of some nouns in Ukrainian. In this slide show, nouns are being used in sentences, and there are a few things you need to know:

Using the slide show to practise listening and speaking

The text for use with the version of the slide show containing illustrations only is given below. It can be adapted by the teacher if the students are more advanced.

Це Україна.
Це український прапор – жовто-блакитний.
Це український герб – тризуб.
Прапор і тризуб – національні символи.
Це країни-сусіди України:
Молдова, Румунія, Угорщина,
Словаччина, Польща, Білорусь, Росія.
А також Азовське море, Чорне море і Крим.
Це фізична карта України.
В центрі столиця – Київ.
На карті – міста України (адміністративні центри).
Ласкаво просимо до України!
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